Success Stories

At FIT, we view client successes as our own. They are the heart and soul of Fisher Improvement Technologies. From error reduction to process and procedure analysis, at FIT, we make it our goal to serve and improve the businesses of our clients. Based out of North Carolina, we love hearing about the ways that our services are improving the lives of our clients; and our clients routinely inform us of tangible benefits they directly attribute to the adoption and integration of FIT technology. For example, here are some of our client success stories:
An Australian Refinery committed to maintaining the strongest safety management culture, systems, and processes possible, uses AERO (Advanced Error Reduction in Organizations) to exceed their goals! Read the full story HERE!

- A power generation company reduced their human error-related shutdown rate during plant start-ups from 17 per year to less than one per year.
- A truck manufacturer experienced a noticeable reduction in paint line takt-time and significantly fewer quality returns, resulting in increased overall factory output

- A troubled business unit markedly reduced safety incidents, resulting in their receiving back-to-back company-wide safety awards.
- A large constant-process manufacturing site documented savings in excess of $1.2M per year in just one process area, accompanied by a 46% increase in employee engagement measures.
- A Client realized an $8M per year annualized savings impact in recovery avoidance.

- A utility eliminated a recurring hazardous condition associated with a coal mill, for which the root causes had escaped detection during prior internal investigations. Lessons learned were employed across the fleet to improve safety and reliability.
- A company applying FIT’s procedure excellence approaches identified and corrected 60 documents containing vague work guidance, significantly reducing error rates by their workforce.
- Testimonial From Utility Operations Director… “Just wanted to send you a note and thank you for the training you provided our team. Since you provided the HP training our team has gone over I year without a recordable injury or had any switching error. Thanks for all of your help…”

- Testimonial from retired quality and safety director… “After nearly 50 years as a safety guy this was one of the few new and meaningful ideas I had come across that has the potential to fundamentally change how our organization thought about incident prevention. Especially as it applied to Low Frequency High Consequence events. Thanks to Rob and his team my last few years working in a major corporation were some of my more enjoyable and productive. Fisher IT has something worth trying.”
FIT technology provides businesses with a proven method for improving profitability, reducing waste, satisfying customers, engaging employees, and, most importantly, eliminating the potential for fatalities and serious life-altering injuries. Now that’s Return on Investment!
Why Choose Fisher Improvement Technologies
Safety initiatives at many companies are under-resourced and undervalued, resulting in unnecessary accidents and injuries that are usually completely avoidable. FIT is uniquely positioned to be your provider of choice for Operational Excellence.
Many people view health and safety as a list of regulations to comply with, however, at FIT, health and safety is about the practical processes of limiting injuries and protecting employees. This involves understanding business processes and the ins and outs of your organization — what your employees do on a daily basis and how they interact with equipment regularly. FIT is able to work with you to develop and improve your health and safety initiatives to both protect employees and efficiently utilize resources. With over 100 years of combined experience, we know a thing or two about the manufacturing industry and are able to customize your plan to fit your needs and bring to light areas of improvement. For more information about our services and to hear more of our client success stories, contact us today!