Process & Procedure Excellence
Operational Excellence Management Systems Worldwide
Process & Procedure Excellence Workshops

Effective Procedure and Process Writing
Overview: Our workshop equips individuals seeking initial training as procedure writers, analysts who are already experienced, and individuals who lead written guidance teams, with knowledge and skills that enable performing more efficient and effective processes. Managers who provide oversight for process/procedure programs should also attend.
Objectives: Our workshop integrates human and organizational performance fundamentals with industry-leading concepts and techniques to develop effective written documents. Attendees are taught how to recognize error traps in written documents, effective formats, the difference between flexibility and ambiguity, the importance of consistency, and how different personalities approach writing and using written documents.
- Human & Organizational Performance fundamentals from a writer’s perspective
- Document developers impact on field performance
- 25 error traps found in written documents and how to avoid them
- Industry best practices for formatting and layout
- Flow charting documents
- Top five error traps
- Questions each personality type needs answered
- How different personality types view written instructions
- What makes it difficult for people to follow procedures
- Numerous hands-on experiential learning activities
Duration & Delivery Format: 2.5 Days – Classroom

Procedure Error Reduction for Managers
Overview: This workshop is designed to increase management understanding of
- How human performance fundamentals interrelate with field procedure errors
- Deviation potential (why people don’t do what procedures say)
- The relationship between error traps, deviation potential, and procedure use & adherence
- How to identify and avoid the procedure related traps and drivers
- Methods to deal with identified procedure related issues
- Discuss how human performance fundamentals applies to procedures
- Discuss the concepts of procedure error traps, including describing the top five procedure error traps
- Describe deviation potential and the components that describe why people deviate from requirements
- Implement strategies to deal with identified procedure error traps and drivers
Duration & Delivery Format: 4 Hours – Classroom

Maintain Workplace Safety Protocols With FIT
Now is the time to protect your company and employees from potential disaster! Utilizing safety management systems through FIT keeps your entire professional system organized and efficiently managed. Our specialists will work with you to create a personalized system to reduce the possibility of accidental injuries and fatalities. Your employees and clients alike trust you to maintain a safe environment, and our FIT specialists will help you uphold that obligation. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can improve your processes!
Fisher Improvement Technologies is proud to give clients in North Carolina and beyond all the resources they need to increase efficiency and occupational satisfaction. Explore our virtual coaching sessions and educational classes to improve your overall professional performance. Get in touch with us and we’ll help you achieve excellence!
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