Training Workshops
2-Day Cause Analysis Workshop
Our 2-Day workshop improves the capability of organizations to identify why incidents occur and reduce the associated risk of recurrence, thereby improving safety, quality, and productivity.
Attendees are taught how to perform various analytical methods and how the use of those techniques will lead them to the causes of events, thereby facilitating identification and implementation of corrective actions capable of reducing the risk of recurrence. Topics include:
- Human performance fundamentals from a cause analysis perspective
- Proven processes for performing efficient and effective cause analysis
- Interviewing skills
- Four analytical techniques
- How to identify the causal and contributing factors that resulted in an incident
- Methods for determining an incident’s broader ramifications (Extent of Condition/Extent of Cause)
- How to identify and evaluate prior occurrences for relevance to the current incident
- Principles for developing lean and effective corrective action plans
- Principles for writing effective cause analysis reports
Attendees will perform a cause analysis on an incident while completing the following hands-on experiential learning activities:
- Determining Human Error Types
- Gap Analysis
- Fault Tree Analysis
- Event and Causal Factors Charting
- Barrier Analysis
- Why Analysis
- Extent of Condition Determination
- Extent of Cause Determination
- Corrective Action Plan Development
Duration and Delivery Format: 2 Days – Classroom