Want to make measurable improvements in performance and reap sustainable, long-term results for your organization when it comes to error reduction? Allow us to introduce to you the AERO system! This task-based system helps individuals become aware of and better manage their personal tendencies to enable more effective workplace interactions. The system is designed to improve workplace safety, quality, efficiency, and effectiveness. Sounds interesting? Fisher Improvement Technology offers a full suite of online training solutions that help save lives by reducing work-related errors and mistakes in your organization.

Work Safety Protection for Small Businesses
Rob Fisher

As a Small Business, You Can’t Afford Workplace Errors
People approach problems differently. That’s obvious. However, how does one break down how people approach problems in clear categories that reflect strengths, potential limits, and ways people can work better together to avoid workplace errors and improve productivity and happiness?

We believe that a great place to start is with a personality test. From there, AERO teaches you specific language as a toolkit to help management lead in a more science-based, effective way.
- Errors
- Events
- Deviations
- Violations
- Causes
- Traps
- Triggers
- Tools

These are all important words to use as leadership pursuing greater compliance with your employees.

A New Workplace Error Reduction Strategy
Fisher Improvement Technologies provides training, coaching, facilitation, assessment, and other critical support for improving workplace safety and employee performance through a deeper understanding of peoples’ individual personalities. Learn more about who we are and what we can do for you, then contact us online or sign up for a virtual workshop!