We Will Guide You to Workplace Safety!

How To Manage Human Error in the Workplace
Rob Fisher
Simple Ways to Improve Safety in the Workplace
Fisher Improvement Technologies specializes in facilitating improvements in workplace safety and productivity through investigations, assessment, mentoring, and training services. Want to make the biggest difference in improved workplace safety? Training is by far the best way to ensure a safer workplace. Comprehensive, up-to-date training reliably helps ensure that employees follow safe practices for their position. Safety can also be improved even more by having a reward system in place to further encourage employees to follow safety policies.
Workplace safety is part of a broader system of practices, though. Effectiveness, efficiency, productivity, and safety all go hand-in-hand; all involving the following of best-practices and clear, effectively managed and organized workplace systems. When it comes to achieving a safer workplace, the AERO system — a task-based system targeting core aspects of how workplaces are organized and managed — can dramatically improve workplace safety and productivity.
Some of The Most Dangerous Hazards
Workplace hazards such as slips, fires, and auto accidents are probably what first come to your mind when you think of workplace hazards. However, if you are trying to prevent accidents from occuring at this point, it’s often too late. Understanding different types of employee personality can help you get safety practices communicated in a way that really sticks. For example, you have “Doers”, “Socializers”, Thinkers”, and “Relators”, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. When you partner with Fisher Improvement Technologies, we go further than simply recommending a few more fire extinguishers on the property; we investigate into the psychology and underlying system’s logic of your organization to find significant ways to communicate and improve your organization’s safety.
Fisher Improvement Technologies — We Will Guide You to Workplace Safety!