Training Workshops

Effective Procedure and Process Writing

Overview: Our workshop equips individuals seeking initial training as procedure writers, analysts who are already experienced, and individuals who lead written guidance teams, with knowledge and skills that enable performing more efficient and effective processes. Managers who provide oversight for process/procedure programs should also attend.

Objectives: Our workshop integrates human and organizational performance fundamentals with industry-leading concepts and techniques to develop effective written documents. Attendees are taught how to recognize error traps in written documents, effective formats, the difference between flexibility and ambiguity, the importance of consistency, and how different personalities approach writing and using written documents.


  • Human & Organizational Performance fundamentals from a writer’s perspective
  • Document developers impact on field performance
  • 25 error traps found in written documents and how to avoid them
  • Industry best practices for formatting and layout
  • Flow charting documents
  • Top five error traps
  • Questions each personality type needs answered
  • How different personality types view written instructions
  • What makes it difficult for people to follow procedures
  • Numerous hands-on experiential learning activities

Duration & Delivery Format: 2.5 Days – Classroom

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